Brian Siano
4321 Larchwood Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Cell: 267-977-4346
Technical Skills and Experience
- Extensive experience with Microsoft Office applications Word, Excel and Powerpoint, including design of macros and templates.
- Video photography, editing and post-production with Adobe Premiere Pro and associated Adobe-based production software
- Website design and administration using WordPress and Macromedia Dreamweaver
- Graphics, document and forms design using Corel Draw, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Acrobat
- Academic and research work with Reference Manager and Endnote, bibliographical software, and Blackboard, a software system for administrating university coursework
Career History
Administrative Assistant, Department of Biomedical Engineering
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (Temporary assignment), 9/2013 – 11/2013
- Designed WordPress websites for the Penn Biomedical Microfluidics Center ( and the Institute for Medicine and Engineering ( Required interfacing with the SEAS IT department for account creation, selection and testing of plugin programs, assembling design elements such as lab photographs, and organizing website content for prospective researchers. Also tutored laboratory staff in use of WordPress, and prepared short instruction manual documenting the site.
- Responsible for assembling and formatting a major NIH P30 grant, to ensure that the document met the NIH’s design requirements. Duties included document design and layout, creation of bibliographies, and overall quality control.
Free-Lance Video Production, Philadelphia, PA
1/2009 – Present
- Produced, directed, photographed and edited video productions, including live event coverage, commercials and coverage of theatrical productions, public service and community activism videos, and promotional book trailers. Projects have ranged from short YouTube videos to fully-produced DVDs and Blu-Ray discs. (See my portfolio website, or my Media Resume for details.)
Administrative Assistant
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, 1/2013-5/2013
- Responsible for updating and refining department website, including posting of news items, keeping contact information up-to-date, and making content changes.
- Developed OpenScholar website for scientific conference.
- Responsible for processing H-1B and J-1 visa applications for visiting scholars and employees.
- Revised department key inventory, for accuracy and ease-of-use.
- Maintained and updated alumni contact lists.
Administrative Assistant
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 8/2006 – 12/2009
- Performed administrative duties for department director, including correspondence, proofreading, scheduling, coordination of mailing lists, design of Powerpoint slides.
- Created instructional videos illustrating in-house laboratory techniques, which included scripting, photographing, sound recording and editing.
- Coordinated correspondence regarding reviews for scientific journals.
- Prepared manuscripts for submission to scientific publications. Designed Word templates for this purpose. Compiled bibliographical database using Endnote.
- Coordinated a scientific symposium on Systems Biology. Designed publicity materials and booklets and assembled mailing lists for invitations. Designed Adobe Acrobat form used for electronic registration.
- Updated and designed department websites.
Administrative Assistant (Part-Time)
Department of Urology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA,7/2002 – 7/2006
- Assisted in preparation of research grant materials, including submissions of NIH PHS-398 grant forms.
- Prepared manuscripts for submission to scientific publications. Designed Word templates for this purpose. Compiled bibliographical database using Reference Manager.
- Prepared graphics for scientific papers and presentations from microscope cameras; developed systems for combining false-color images for enhancement.
- Composed and designed Powerpoint presentations for scientific conferences, including embedded animations and movie files to illustrate scientific research.
- Coordinated applications for postdoctoral positions.
- Wrote instruction and procedure sheets for laboratory equipment, including computer-based microscopic imaging systems.
- Composed and proofread correspondence.
- Designed and administrated department website at
Office Systems Coordinator/Administrative Assistant B
Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA,7/94 – 9/2000
- Responsible for many aspects of office management, including coordination of schedules and group meetings, maintenance of contact lists and addresses, and arranging for travel itineraries and logistics.
- Performed standard secretarial duties, such as filing, typing, dictation, office inventories, and ordering of supplies.
- Administrated “Introduction to Epidemiology” course for first-year medical students. Duties include typesetting and design of course manuals, maintaining student records, and supervision of the production of course materials (syllabi, answer sheets, exams and evaluation forms). Designed spreadsheets used for grading, instructor scheduling, and course evaluation. Developed Web pages used in course. Maintained Email mailing-list aliases for students and instructors.
- Prepared manuscripts for submission to scientific journals
- Assisted in preparation of research grant materials, including submissions of NIH PHS-398 grant forms.
- Evaluated and adapted Windows applications for unique projects. Also assisted other support staff in the use of Microsoft Office applications.
- Compiled Educational Database material for tenure consideration.
- As part of the Center’s support staff, I helped develop and write an “OSC Manual” to help orient new support employees to the center’s procedures.
Senior Editor and Columnist, The Humanist magazine
1992 – 1994
- Wrote bimonthly column on science and contemporary culture.
- Assisted in defining the magazine’s overall direction– content, “theme issues,” design, soliciting articles from various writers, etc.
Administrative Assistant
National Disease Research Interchange, Philadelphia, PA,1988 – 1992, 4/93 – 3/94 as temporary assignment
- Administrated company’s computer network system (Novell Netware v 2.20). Duties included creating and maintaining user accounts, miscellaneous troubleshooting, arranging computer filing subdirectories, instruction of staff in use of word processing and network software, suggesting modifications to customized database software, system maintenance (including regular backups), and devising procedures for computer use and maintenance.
- Was responsible for general administrative tasks, ordering of office supplies, typing of correspondence, daily administrative procedures, etc.
- Planned and implemented standardized use of Word Perfect word processing features for office use, including the use of a “Rolodex” system of my own design.
- Assisted in the assembly of documents, mailing lists, data presentations, documents for grant reports, quarterly reports, and conference proceedings. This required extensive use of spreadsheet, graphing, design and desktop-publishing software.
Residency Secretary
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Temple University Hospital, 1992 – 1993 (Temporary assignment)
- Responsible for coordinating the applications and department’s interviews for Resident Physician positions. This required maintenance of files for applicants, extensive coordination of interview schedules, and the composition of rejection and notification letters.
- Coordinated arrangements for lectures, and medical student schedules.
- Designed system for handling Final Grade evaluations for OB/GYN students.
- Upgraded office computer systems’ Word Perfect installations, and tutored staff members about its use.
Temple University, Bachelor of Arts, English, 1981 – 1985
- College of Arts and Sciences Honors Certificate, 1983.
Hobbies and Interests
- Between 2002 and 2012, I have served on the board of the Friends of Clark Park, with terms as Secretary and Vice-President.
- Other interests include woodworking, blues and world music, essays, film technology, literary history, ongoing house renovations.